Tax Resources

Tax Resolution Resources

Don't let tax debt hold you back any longer – let us help you get started on the path to resolution!

Woman looking down at papers
Close up of a hand holding a pen with 3 stacked blocks in the foreground that read T-A-X

Step 1 to Resolving Your Tax Debt

Do you need to know how much you owe the IRS? You need a compliance check! Use this FREE DIY Compliance Check Guide to handle the IRS like a pro.

Laid out in a workbook format, this workbook is packed with tons of industry tips and tricks, curated scripts, and educational content! Available FREE for both personal and business liabilities here.

5 step resolution process

Do you have back taxes and are completely lost as to where to start or what the resolution process even looks like?

This FREE 5 steps to a resolution guide with give you an overview of the process to resolve your tax debt with the IRS.

You can download your free guide here. And find definitions of commonly used tax terms here.

Summary of the 5 Step Resolution Process guide

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